“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ H. Thurmond
Through these creative series of books, "LMNOP," "The Number Knights," & "Riddle Rhymes," we share with teachers, parents, homeschoolers, and all interested educators, how Waldorf Education expands the experience of learning to educate the whole child through head, heart, & hands. Contributing to a much-needed renewal of education, these publications focus on the primary years for strong beginnings.

Meet the author: Mentoring and Consulting
Howard Schrager is available for mentoring and consultation on integrating creative activity into the classroom. This may be combined with a presentation of this work New Directions in Education, to parent, teacher, social, and civic groups in engaging 1 1/2 hour segments.
Whether for businesses, parents, teachers, social and civic groups, or local government, Howard can present engaging 1.5 hour demonstrations of how to bring creativity and imagination into learning. His work can change the way we view math and its place in our lives, and deepen our feelings and understanding of many areas of learning.
A Lifetime of Creativity and Education
My earliest teaching experiences were in inner-city schools in Los Angeles and Oakland in the late 60s and early 70s. Over time I became discouraged by the prevailing educational approach, which then, as now, did not adequately meet the promise of childhood. I found that it repelled children rather than drawing them to it. Some years later, my idealism was re-ignited when I discovered Waldorf Education. I found in it deep insight into how children develop and how a pedagogy based upon those insights could help children become successful both as students and as human beings.
In the nearly 40 years since then, I have worked continually to cultivate this model for learning, one based in imagination, creativity, and physical activity. I have witnessed how this approach, teaching through art, enlivens children, bringing out the best in them, adding depth to the meaning of the term ‘to educate’. This approach empowers children whatever their background, helping them to become the enthusiastic learners they rightly ought to be. It is important to note that this focus on the arts does not shun academics, rather it fulfills them, and facilitates children’s becoming active thinkers as they mature. The secret to its success, I have realized, is that the expectations they are presented with can be met, and are inherently satisfying to meet.
“I collaborated with Howard for approximately four years, working toward bringing children a public education inspired by Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy. We spent 3-4 days a week together and I can earnestly say I always walked away feeling inspired, encouraged, loved and above all, heard. His individual and group mentoring with teachers as well as his professional development workshops and lectures provided the school community with wisdom, strength, passion and inspired creativity.”
~ Tisha Blackwood-Freitas
"I have used Howard Schrager's King Maximo and Multiplicando in all of my classes to rounds of applause from my students. These characters do the impossible: they make math a warmhearted relationship, filled with adventure and beauty."
~ Tamar Kern- teacher Ocean Charter School, Venice CA -
"We worked through the Number Knights as our first formal introduction to numbers. My
daughters ate it up. You made the world of numbers come to life, not just for them, but also for myself."
~Amy W., homeschool parent -
"Using King Maximo and the Number Knights was my favorite part of teaching 1st grade! Mylessons on the qualities of the numbers were exciting for the children, easy to plan for me,and memorable for us all."
~ Giulie Garland teacher, Monterey Bay Charter School
"I cannot adequately say how much I love your materials. It has been amazing to work with Sarah and the Number Knights. It makes things
so alive, and the children feel as if they are IN the story. Thank you for writing these books so that parents, teachers and children
can experience this!"
~ Marie L. homeschool parent